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LifeAlert Images
research from AARP
AARP report on senior usage of medical alert devices.
research from Deloitte

Deloitte report on computer usage among seniors, used to back up our shift of focus from current to potential users of LifeAlert.
research from Pew

Pew Research report on computer and cell phone usage among seniors and older adults; these numbers are only going to increase as time goes on.
Life Alert User Flows
Cathie and Brad
Life Alert User Flow
Initial Site Map Overview
Our initial, and very ambitious, plan for the site. This includes a members-only area that would allow users to log in and customize their experience.
Product detail page sketch
Initial sketch for a product detail page.
Based on the previous class project, we had a decent amount of information about standards for retail sites. However, the user base for LifeAlert is very different from that of betabrand, so we did more research.
Page overview for Active person
After researching our target audiences further, we decided to alter the "product" page to be more focused on information instead of variety. We also made the discovery/decision to focus less on user groups and more on appealing to broader decisions that would enable people to live the lifestyle they want.
Final site map
Final site map, including a placeholder for our 'admin panel'. Page components are listed as part of the 'chunking' of information - repeated items would be the same across pages.